AI & the Law

AI & the law unpacks the big issues confronting the legal profession as the sector, and other associated professional services, explore the potential opportunities of integrating generative AI into the workplace. Covering business and cultural shifts, workforce changes, and technical innovation, this mini series will answer the most pressing questions being asked by legal professionals around Australia.

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Thursday Jul 04, 2024

Unpacking the ethics of AI in the legal industry
As we integrate the power of artificial intelligence into workplaces, the demand for responsible, human-centric processes grows
Every anecdote about errors and embedded biases leads to fears that more AI could lead to less humanity in how society functions. So how do we make AI more human? How do we ensure that the benefits of AI are delivered as an augmentation and not as a replacement?
Carter Cousineau – vice-president of data and model governance, Thomson Reuters.
Artificial intelligence is quickly establishing itself as a powerful research assistant for legal professionals. But as these AI tools enter the market, how are we managing the ethical and cultural dilemmas that arrive alongside them? From the broad societal fears and anxieties AI has raised, to the risks of irresponsible usage, it’s essential to approach AI with a clear sense of what can go wrong.
Carter Cousineau, the vice-president of data and model governance at Thomson Reuters, sees a number of key concerns around AI today. These include fears of privacy loss and digital manipulation, and apprehension around fairness and bias. When it comes to bringing AI into knowledge resources, Cousineau sees governance work as critical to building trusted AI-enabled systems.
“When you’re looking at integrating AI into systems where trusted knowledge and content resources are foundational, governance work is essential,” he says.
“Ensuring AI-driven processes are accountable, transparent and aligned to ethical standards. Responsible AI frameworks and processes help to mitigate and manage AI risks, while improving the integrity and reliability of products for both customers and employees.”
In our conversation, we explore the importance of transparency and interpretability in building trusted AI systems, and consider how Thomson Reuters has been managing its own AI integration work.
Plus, we examine what law firms need to be doing to prepare their data – and their cultures – to take advantage of AI-powered research tools, and offer advice on how to develop processes to improve value and outcomes for clients.
The AI and the Law podcast is produced by Guardian Labs Australia.
Hosted and written by: Seamus Byrne
Guardian Labs producer: Minsoo Park
Guardian Labs lead commercial editor: Nicola Harvey
Sound editor: Seamus Byrne
Key art: Jacob Taylor


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